You don't need to trust what we say, trust Our Clients!
Sharon was your typical hard working mum. Long work hours, only to come home to cook and look after the family. Doing this day-in, day-out took its toll on her waistline.Training with Beach Fit Sharon dropped 19 kg in 28 weeks, and became a role model for her daughter.

Mitch had trained sporadically for a number of years before starting with Beach Fit. At his first weigh-in, Mitch weighed 69.2 kg and had approximately 12% body-fat.After only 7 weeks Mitch gained 6.4kg of muscle and 9.3kg after 12 weeks.

"I greatly appreciate all that they (Beach Fit) have done for me in the time that I trained with them and know that I would not have been as happy with the way my wedding photos came out if I had not trained with them. Not only did they help me to look as good as I did on my big day but they have helped me to get my life and energy back."

"I'd like to thank Steve for the massive impact he has had on my fitness and diet over the last 12 months, turning me from an uncomfortable 112kg to just over 90kg now. I think this is the lightest and leanest I've been since I was 12!!"

When we first met Tom he said "I've never had a six pack, I want to get muscles and want to get ripped."He was almost 100kg when he started and had never touched a weight. After a few short months, Tom weighed 85.9kg and had an experts weight training and nutrition knowledge.

Trish had slowly been putting on weight since starting a desk job. She decided it was time to do something about it. No imminent deadlines, no large events coming up, she just wanted to get back to looking her best. She well and truely did losing 10 kg in 19 weeks and completely transforming her body and fitness.